Sunday, July 5, 2009

Holy Crap people be sure to back up your own websites!

Our host server crashed about 2 weeks ago, and for reasons beyond my limited understanding (and partially because I don't want to know) Little Pet Project in its latest form was lost forever.  No record of it, even though several of our support people did make back ups.  Poof gone.  So, we have been piecing it back together.  It is painful to go back and do things over when so much more important things beckon.   But thankfully Art with Ideas4 (my husband) and Celeste with Group5 Web are making it all better.  We may even get a better site out of the deal. 

The membership part, with sign in and stuff is the part that has to be started over.  If you were a member, please accept our apology, contact me at info@littlepetproject and I'll do my best to transition you to the new site.

Thanks!  off for some 4th of July celebration, finally.

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