Friday, July 24, 2009

Can you help me?

I stopped by ACT yesterday (Animal Coalition of Tampa- low cost spay-neuter clinic) to buy some Heartguard, but then decided to see if Linda (executive director) could help me find a home for our foster dog. 

 I was escorted to the back where I found Linda laying on the floor surrounded by tiny kittens, all bobbly headed and shaking.  Linda was swaddling them like babies, one by one.   These kittens  and the hundreds of others they see every month were born to feral mommas, and had just been fixed.  Linda focused on one at a time, cooing to each as if it were her very own.  She was intent on getting the tiny kittens socialized, so they might have a chance to find a home.

During the snuggle session, Linda talked to me more about the issues of "overpopulation." Interruptions included an emergency with a puppy that came in and was dying on the operating table from Parvo (completely preventable)  Linda was asked "should we try to save it"  (owners are on welfare, low income and would never be able to approve or pay for the extensive work needed)  Linda looked up from her feral kitten and said, "is there a chance it will live?"  Yes, there was a slim chance at a high cost.  Linda ordered that they do whatever they need to do to save the puppy, and said that the owner could pay her back by listening to a 20 minute lecture on HOW EASY it is to prevent the deadly parvo virus.    In spite of their efforts, the puppy died.   The entire clinic had to be sterilized from stem to stearn.  All this in just a 30 minute visit.   I could see how foolish I must appear coming to her to ask if SHE could help ME.

Before I left, Linda had found a new home for one of the kittens who would have otherwise been put right back on the street, all 2 lbs of him.

For more about ACT and all the great stuff they do, visit

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